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0. If you want your eyes to receive 32000~100000lux, you need to stare at the sun in a sunny day.If you stare at the ground in a sun-exposure area, your eyes receives much less than 32000 lux. If you stare at a shedded ground in a sunny day, your eyes receive slight less than 10000lux. human eyes could not tolerate 32000lux more than 5 secounds.
Feb 15, 2011 · Another way of calculating the earth - sun distance is to look at the centrifugal and the gravitational force. This solution assumes that one already knows the mass of the sun, but thats a different problem ;-).
However, the light emitted by the Sun is due to its temperature. All objects that are above −273.15∘C − 273.15 ∘ C (so, all objects) emit radiation at a continuous spectrum that relates to their temperature, we call the temperature dependent spectrum a "blackbody" spectrum.
May 31, 2015 · If the building is located in Hammerfest, Norway the metal might get warm to the touch. If it's on the sun-facing side in Las Vegas you may find it gets hot enough to cause burns. A definitive answer is not possible. If people can touch it easily the temperature is a concern. If it's out of reach, don't worry about it. The iron isn't going to melt.
According to E. V. Petjeva (2011), the measured rate of change of the Earth-Sun distance (astronomical unit) is (1.2 +/- 3.2) cm/yr, with the uncertainty value representing 3 standard deviations. In other words, any change is within the uncertainty of the measurement. She specifically addresses the Krasinsky and Brumberg value.
Feb 15, 2017 · The Sun has actually set/risen and we see it due to the way light is bent across the atmosphere. Apparently due to coincidence of the size and distance of the sun, its exactly the same size - so if we see 50% of the sun, the sun is 50% below the horizon. So, I understand all this, so here is my question :
Feb 16, 2019 · There only (real) force acting on the Earth is gravity, and it explains why the Earth is accelerating toward the Sun. When an object moves in a circle, like the Earth approximately does, it is in fact accelerating toward the center even though it isn’t moving toward the center. This is because acceleration is the rate of change of the ...
Feb 22, 2017 · The UV light is not good for skin (burns the skin) and therefore human skin exposed to sun produces pigments to absorb the light to protect the skin from burning. The produced pigments result in a colour change. Plastics: Plastics are one of the most drastically effected materials from sunlight.
Nov 29, 2016 · The Sun is keeping you close. After all, you are orbiting it just like the Earth. You don't fly off into space because the Earth and you experience the same acceleration due to the Sun's gravitational force, so you orbit together; this is sometimes called the equivalence principle.
I can't find a similar diagram for Voyager 1, but it must have been similar. According to the list of escape velocities, at Earth, it takes 11.2 km/s to escape Earth, but 42.1 km/s to escape the sun. That's like 14 times as much energy. That's how much harder it would be without the slingshot effect. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you ...