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  1. Dragon · 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2035

    • Today's chinese horoscope for Dragon

      Are you on a path going nowhere? If that's how you feel, remember that you're free to get off it at any time. Consider the choices you have control over and what things are out of your hands.

    • This week's Chinese horoscope for Dragon

      This week, you guide others through a stormy time. The week begins on Sunday, July 21, with the Yang fire Dog day. It is also the full moon. Dragon, you could be basking in the admiration and affection of those around you. You might feel the allure of romance connected to a splendid date, where the stage is set with enchanting music and f...
