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  1. Hokusei Gakuen University is a private university in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, founded on the Protestant faith. It offers various study-abroad programs and international exchange opportunities to foster independent and open-minded graduates.

  2. 北星学園大学公式サイト。北星学園大学の建学の精神は、キリスト教精神に基づいた人格教育です。3学部、1短期大学部、3研究科を擁し、人間性、社会性、国際性を備えた人材を育成します。

  3. Hokusei Gakuen University (北星学園大学, Hokusei Gakuen daigaku) is a four-year private university in Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaidō, Japan. The university is run by Hokusei Gakuen School System, whose education philosophy is based on Christianity.

  4. Hokusei Gakuen University’s founding principle is character building based on the Christian spirit. The university boasts three undergraduate schools, one junior college and three graduate schools to develop human resources equipped with human, social and international awareness and understanding.

  5. Hokusei Gakuen University’s founding principle is character building based on the Christian spirit. The university boasts three undergraduate schools, one junior college and three graduate schools to develop human resources equipped with human, social and international awareness and understanding.

  6. Hokusei Gakuen University is a private university in Sapporo, Japan, which runs a four-year system. Hokusei means north star, derived from the biblical reference "Shine like stars in a dark world", and points to the Protestant educational philosophy of the university.

  7. 北星学園大学の建学の精神は、「キリスト教精神に基づいた人格教育です。 そこで培われた「人間性・社会性・国際性」を備えた人材の育成を教育目標としています。 高き教養と人格の確立を目指した本学の教育は、多くの有為な人材を世に送り出し、社会の高い評価を得て今日に至っています。 SPECIALTY. 専門性の高い、3学部 7学科で「人間性・社会性・国際性」を備えた人材を育成します。 選択可能な副専攻数 14種類. 北星ってこんなところ. ※2024年5月1日時点. 北星Youtubeチャンネル. 北星学園大学入学を目指す皆さんへ.