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  1. Aug 7, 2024 · 28 pts. 24. 26. Exile is when a person is sent away from their home/family/place of origin for some reason against their will. Self-imposed means that a person chooses to bring something (usually negative) upon them-self. So, "self imposed exile" would be a situation where a person chooses exile as a punishment for something they did.

  2. Jul 12, 2023 · Definition of self-imposed @quynhtrinh0905 Self-imposed means a rule or restriction you put on yourself. If you decide to stop eating meat, you are self-imposing a diet on yourself. No one is making you stop eating meat, you are making the decision yourself.

  3. Aug 18, 2021 · Ask something else. Definition of from without it is the older, rarely used meaning of without: ~"outside" within <> without from without: from the outside (≈imposed by others) from within: from the inside (≈self imposed)

  4. Definición de self-imposed exile Exile is when a person is sent away from their home/family/place of origin for some reason against their will. Self-imposed means that a person chooses to bring something (usually negative) upon them-self. So, "self imposed exile" would be a situation where a person chooses exile as a punishment for something they did. This is quite hard to explain in beginner ...

  5. A: Exile is when a person is sent away from their home/family/place of origin for some reason against their will. Self-imposed means that a person chooses to bring something (usually negative) upon them-self. So, "self imposed exile" would be a situation where a person chooses exile as a punishment for something they did.

  6. She had self-imposed rules in place. Not everyone can follow a self-imposed work schedule. You need to be very disciplined to do that. He went into a self-imposed exile due to depression.

  7. 7 Thg 8 2016. Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) Exile is when a person is sent away from their home/family/place of origin for some reason against their will. Self-imposed means that a person chooses to bring something (usually negative) upon them-self. So, "self imposed exile" would be a situation where a person chooses exile as a punishment for something ...

  8. A: Exile is when a person is sent away from their home/family/place of origin for some reason against their will. Self-imposed means that a person chooses to bring something (usually negative) upon them-self. So, "self imposed exile" would be a situation where a person chooses exile as a punishment for something they did.

  9. Définition de self-imposed exile Exile is when a person is sent away from their home/family/place of origin for some reason against their will. Self-imposed means that a person chooses to bring something (usually negative) upon them-self. So, "self imposed exile" would be a situation where a person chooses exile as a punishment for something they did. This is quite hard to explain in beginner ...

  10. self-imposed exile kelimelerinin tanımı Exile is when a person is sent away from their home/family/place of origin for some reason against their will. Self-imposed means that a person chooses to bring something (usually negative) upon them-self. So, "self imposed exile" would be a situation where a person chooses exile as a punishment for something they did. This is quite hard to explain in ...