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  1. › wiki › DanesDanes - Wikipedia

    Early history. Denmark has been inhabited by various Germanic peoples since ancient times, including the Angles, Cimbri, Jutes, Herules, Teutones and others. [31] Viking Age. Ogier the Dane ( Holger Danske) at Kronborg Castle is an important national icon from the Viking age.

  2. › wiki › DenmarkDenmark - Wikipedia

    People in Denmark feel responsible for social welfare. The rate of taxation is among the world's highest and can be half a Dane's income but they get most healthcare free, university tuition is also free and students get grants, there is subsidized childcare and old people get pensions and care helpers.

  3. Danish people are known for being pretty liberal on a global scale; gay marriage has been legal here since 2012, and Copenhagen is known as one of the most LGBT-friendly cities on the globe. Thanks to its relatively high taxes, income inequality in Denmark remains quite low.

  4. 4 days ago · Denmark is almost entirely inhabited by ethnic Danes. Few Faroese or Greenlanders have settled in continental Denmark, despite their status as Danish citizens. A small minority of Germans, on the other hand, has been long established and is substantially assimilated.

  5. International surveys usually rank Denmark among the world’s happiest countries. But what makes Danish people so happy?

  6. 5 days ago · This article covers principally the land and people of continental Denmark. However, the Kingdom of Denmark also encompasses the Faroe Islands and the island of Greenland, both located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Each area is distinctive in history, language, and culture.

  7. Since the end of the last Ice Age - approximately 10,000 BC - people have migrated from the Eastern and Southern parts of Europe to the Northern area we now know to be Denmark. The flat terrain, rich soil, close proximity to water and at times harsh climate, has shaped Danish history and culture ever since.

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