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  1. China Southern Airlines provides leading international flights options along with travel promotion & vacation packages. Join Sky Pearl Club for More discounts & privileges!

  2. To manage Sky Pearl member bookings, please log in to your account. Log in. .

  3. China Southern Airlines official website provides ticket inquiries, ticket booking, booking tickets online, one-stop ticket inquiries subscription service. Ticket inquiries within most national and international ticket inquiries, ticket booking 100% of the vote.

  4. If you check-in online for international and regional ticket from Guangzhou, please get boarding pass 60 minutes before departure at P4 counter. Then you can pass security check and get on board. China Southern Airlines provides leading international flights options along with travel promotion & vacation packages.

  5. China Southern Airlines - Login -

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  7. China Southern Airlines - Booking Search -

  8. Find your order. i You may search for your booking records up to 13 months ago.Only non-member orders can be searched by order number and email. For Sky Pearl member orders management, please log in your account first.

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  10. China Southern Airlines - Travel - Bookings.