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  1. Jan 31, 2023 · Peace is conceived not simply as the absence of conflict; the 2030 Agenda identifies several factors that underpin peaceful societies, including equal access to justice, respect for human rights, effective rule of law and good governance, and effective and accountable institutions.

  2. Jun 7, 2021 · When peaceful places are studied, researchers (much like the U.N.) tend to focus primarily on negative peace, or the circumstances that keep violence at bay, to the neglect of positive peace, or the things that promote and sustain more just, harmonious, prosocial relations.

  3. Sep 21, 2020 · Some 50 young people took part in a peace camp, where they learned to strengthen social cohesion in their communities and understand the drivers of conflict and how to prevent them.

  4. Dec 2, 2021 · This chapter examines peace communities’ contributions to positive peace. It discusses how they have exercised autonomy, used nonviolent strategies to reduce direct violence and tackled structural and cultural violence, supporting the development of positive...

  5. Community peace structures exist around the world, in countries that experience conflict. They take many different forms, but they all put local people at the heart of peace-making – using their experiences, skills and expertise to combat conflict.

  6. Jun 4, 2018 · The Foundation supports national and local initiatives that promote peace and understanding among the Philippine people, and we work to support Philippine institutions that can help transition to peace.

  7. Sustaining the peace: EU-UNDP project helps transform six camps into productive communities Ten cooperatives across six major camps — Abubakr, Badre, Omar, Bilal, Bushra, and Rajahmuda — received agriculture-based livelihood support from the Programme on...

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