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  1. A collateral attack is made when, in another action to obtain a different relief, an attack on the judgment is made as an incident in said action. This is proper only when the judgment, on its face, is null and void, as where it is patent that the court which rendered said judgment has no jurisdiction.

  2. An attack on the validity of the title is considered to be a collateral attack when, in an action to obtain a different relief and as an incident of the said action, an attack is made against the judgment granting the title. 23 Cagatao’s original complaint before the RTC was for the cancellation of TCT No. T-249437 in the name of the ...

  3. For said reason, the complaint would amount to a collateral attack on the title which was proscribed under the principle of indefeasibility of a Torrens title. To rule that the action for reconveyance was not a collateral one would result in the nullity of the decree of registration.

  4. A collateral attack, also called an indirect attack, is a challenge on the validity of a prior judgment through a new case rather than by a direct appeal . Examples include habeas corpus petitions and claims that a prior judgment was invalid after the opposing party cites it for strategic advantage in a new case.

  5. A collateral attack, in other words, is an attempt to avoid the binding effect of a judgment in order to obtain specific relief that the judgment currently impedes.

  6. A collateral attack is defined as an attack, made as an incident in another action, whose purpose is to obtain a different relief. [30] This is proper only when the judgment, on its face, is null and void, as where it is patent that the court which rendered said judgment has no jurisdiction. [31]

  7. A collateral attack is a legal challenge to a prior court decision that is made in a separate, ongoing case, rather than during a direct appeal of the initial decision. The challenge typically argues that the earlier decision contained an error that significantly impacted the outcome of the case.

  8. Feb 7, 2022 · A collateral attack, in other words, is an attempt to avoid the binding effect of a judgment in order to obtain specific relief that the judgment currently impedes.

  9. collateral attack. Definition of "collateral attack". An attempt to challenge a court's decision in a different case, often due to alleged lack of jurisdiction. How to use "collateral attack" in a sentence. In criminal law, a collateral attack is often made via habeas corpus petition.

  10. An attempt to impeach or overturn a judgment rendered in a judicial proceeding, made in a proceeding other than within the original action or an appeal from it. A defendant may make a collateral attack on a judgment entered against him or her in some instances.

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