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  1. Here's Anne Curtis’ Notable Lines from No Other Woman: • "There's No Other Woman Better than I am" • “No pressure! And kiss me and don’t you dare fall in love with me. “We’re just two consenting adults having fun, there’s no emotional attachment.” • “You will only be called a mistress when there’s an emotional attachment. I’m not a mistress.”

  2. Oct 1, 2011 · I know that it will be the usual formulaic Filipino romantic film – this time about married couples and a querida that gets in between them. But still, it’s worth taking the risk. After all, Anne Curtis stars in it. Her allure never fails.

  3. Aug 15, 2019 · Anne Curtis is "no stranger" to blockbuster flicks! The actress has delivered jaw-dropping lines in some memorable films like No Other Woman and Sid & Aya: Not A Love Story! And we believe she'll continue to wow again this August 21 when Just A Stranger premieres nationwide!

  4. Entdecke inspirierende Zitate und Sprüche von der talentierten Anne Curtis. Tauche ein in ihre Welt voller Weisheit und lass dich von ihrer Lebensfreude und Kreativität begeistern.

  5. Apr 16, 2019 · Derek lands a lucrative deal of providing the furniture of a luxury resort owned by Kara Zalderiaga (Anne Curtis) and her family. Kara fancies herself a strong, independent woman capable of carrying on an emotionless affair while Cha learns to fight for her marriage.

  6. Discover Anne Curtis famous and rare quotes. Share Anne Curtis quotations about choices. "Betrayal, in all forms, is painful. It can..."

  7. Apr 1, 2024 · Anne Curtis: “gagawin ko ang lahat wag mo lang akong iwan” Anne Curtis: I’m not gonna give up____ without putting up a go-d d-amn fight! You can call me anything you want: a snake, a bth, an other woman. But I will never be a pathetic, boring housewife. I don’t need to read your research report. I know the market because I am the market.