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  1. Aug 6, 2013 · Onboard the steamer ‘Belgic’, Rizal left Japan on April 13, 1888 never to see Seiko again. In 1897, a year after Rizal’s martyrdom, Seiko married Alfred Charlton, British chemistry teacher of the Peer’s School in Tokyo. Mr. Charlton died on November 2, 1915, survived by Seiko and their child Yuriko.

  2. Sep 20, 2019 · They got a child and she died on May 1, 1947, at the age of 80 placed beside her husband’s tomb at Zoshigawa Cemetery. In his diary entry, this is what he wrote when he decided to leave Japan and Seiko after a month of bliss staying in there and being with her: “Japan has enchanted me.

  3. Dec 30, 2014 · Who she is: Seiko Usui, who Rizal called "O-Sei-San," worked at the Spanish Legation in Tokyo. She was 23 years old when she met the 27-year-old Rizal. How they met: Rizal started working at the Spanish Legation in February 1888.

  4. Jun 19, 2023 · In many of his diary entries, Rizal wrote about how he was charmed by Japan’s beauty, cleanliness and peace and order. But if there was one thing that almost kept him in the country where cherry blossoms bloom most beautifully, it was a woman named Seiko Usui, affectionately called O-Sei-San.

  5. Seiko Usui, also known as O Sei San, was a Japanese samurai's daughter. She was 23 years old when she first met Jose Rizal. He had moved to a Spanish Legation in the Azabu district of Tokyo where she r...

  6. Feb 12, 2012 · In April 1880, on his elder brother Paciano’s prodding, Rizal, by then a medical student, went with him to the Rivera house in Intramuros to attend Leonor’s 13th birthday party.

  7. Jul 6, 2020 · Dr. José Rizal, perhaps the most famous Filipino and national hero of the Philippine­s, celebrated his 159th birth anniversar­y on June 19. Aside from his birth date, we also commemorat­e the heroism of Rizal on Dec. 30, the day he died for the country.