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  1. Sep 21, 2015 · The drama experienced a lull during the Japanese period because movie houses showing American films were closed. The big movie houses were just made to show stage shows. Many of the plays were reproductions of English plays to Tagalog.

  2. May 24, 2014 · - Japanese Period (1941-1945): Literature development was interrupted as writing in English halted under Japanese occupation. Writers turned to Filipino languages. - Post-War Period (1946-1970): Literature revived in both English and Filipino.

  3. Many wrote plays, poems, short stories, etc. Topics and themes were often about life in the provinces. The common theme of most poems during the Japanese occupation was nationalism, country, love, and life in the barrios, faith, religion and the arts. Three types of poems emerged during this period. They were:

  4. Timeline of Japanese history. Appearance. This is a timeline of Japanese history, comprising important legal, territorial and cultural changes and political events in Japan and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of Japan .

  5. The Japanese occupation of the Philippines occurred between 1942 and 1945, when Imperial Japan occupied the Commonwealth of the Philippines during World War II. The invasion of the...

  6. Since the economic damage to capital happened over time and furthering the output loss as the war went on, these estimates conform to the assessment that Philippine GDP in 1945 – at the end of the war – was close to 30 percent of the output of 1940.

  7. During the Japanese period from 1941-1945, writers in the Philippines turned to writing in Filipino due to strict prohibitions on writing in English. Poetry themes included nationalism, love, and faith.

  8. Jan 10, 2022 · Map showing the Japanese invasion of the Philippines between 1941 and 1942, during the Second World War. Infuriated by these abuses, and inspired by MacArthur’s promise to return, Filipinos took up arms.

  9. Jōmon Period (10,000 BCE – 300 BCE) During the Jōmon Period, Neolithic culture arrived in Japan (spreading from the Sea of Japan inward) from, it is believed, East and Southeast Asia. This period was marked by the presence of hunting and gathering communities, and the production of earthenware known as... Read More

  10. Selected literary works in the Japanese Period of Philippine Literature from Philippine Literature: Through the Years by Kahayon and Zulueta (2000)

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