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  1. ‘What dreams may come’ is an apt title for a film or novel dealing with life after death as it comes from Shakespeare’s most famous soliloquy, ‘ To be or not to be ,’ from his most famous play, Hamlet, in which Hamlet considers life and death, and mulls over what putting an end to it all would mean.

  2. Oct 2, 1998 · “What Dreams May Come” sadly propagates the New Age concept that we create our Heaven and our Hell. If, in this life, we paint a tapestry that is dark and dreary, then it will come to be. If we believe that life is sweet and precious, it will be so. We are the painters and we design the outcome.

  3. "What Dreams May Come": Self-reflection and Identity Acceptance in Richard III and The Tempest by Jennifer Smith In his short allegory "Everything and Nothing," Jorge Luis Borges draws the portrait of a man who appears to be no one in particular, yet becomes an actor and dramatist acutely adept at portraying others so that no one will discover ...

  4. Nov 21, 2022 · What Dreams May Come takes a spiritual journey through the metaphysical relationship between life and death. Since the beginning of time, the origin of death has weighed on...

  5. The famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy comes from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet (written around 1601) and is spoken by the titular Prince Hamlet in Act 3, Scene 1. It is 35 lines long. Here is the full text: To be, or not to be, that is the question, Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer.

  6. May 16, 2024 · There is no single dream theory that fully explains all of the aspects of why we dream. The most prominent theory is that dreams help us to process and consolidate information from the previous day. However, other theories have suggested that dreams are critical for emotional processing, creativity, and self-knowledge.

  7. May 29, 2022 · Here are a few potential reasons why they occur, and the science to back each one up: 1. Dreams are your brains way of sorting through information. Listed on the body’s rest and refresh itinerary while you sleep is memory consolidation, and some believe dreaming plays a role in this task.