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  1. Rule 1. All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings. No prisoner shall be subjected to, and all prisoners shall be protected from, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, for which no circumstances whatsoever may be invoked as a justification.

  2. In 2015, following a revision process of more than 5 years, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and named them in honour of the late president of South Africa “The Nelson Mandela Rules”.

  3. The Nelson Mandela Rules emphasize that the provision of health care for prisoners is a State responsibility, and that the relationship between health-care professionals and...

  4. The Rules are known as the ‘Nelson Mandela Rules’ to honour the legacy of the late President of South Africa, ‘who spent 27 years in prison in the course of his struggle for global human rights, equality, democracy and the promotion of a culture of peace’.

  5. The Nelson Mandela Rules. Basic principles. Humane Treatment. Every prisoner is a human being who deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This principle imposes an absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which cannot be justified under any circumstances whatsoever. Non-Discrimination.

  6. Produced by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Penal Reform International (PRI), this document provides guidance for implementing the revised UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, known as the UN Nelson Mandela Rules.

  7. Jul 18, 2024 · Nelson Mandela Rules. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison in the course of his struggle. Throughout his life he advocated for the fair and humane treatment of all, including...

  8. SMRs also be known as the Nelson Mandela Rules in order to honour the legacy of the late President of South Africa, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who spent 27 years in prison in the course of his struggle for global human

  9. Jul 17, 2024 · The Nelson Mandela Rules are the universally acknowledged minimum standard for good prison management in the 21st century. They provide clear benchmarks for prison officials on...

  10. Produced by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Penal Reform International (PRI), this document provides guidance for implementing the revised UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, known as the UN Nelson Mandela Rules.

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