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  1. Inception report. An inception report of an evaluation is prepared by an evaluator after an initial review of relevant documentation. It sets out the conceptual framework to be used in an evaluation, the key evaluation questions and methodology, including information on data sources and collection, sampling and key indicators.

  2. The inception report describes the conceptual framework the evaluator will use in undertaking the evaluation. It sets out in some detail the evaluation methodology, i.e. how each question will be answered by way of data collection methods, data sources, sampling and indicators.

  3. Jan 15, 2020 · An inception report, written before project activities begin, details how the project will be carried out and how various aspects will be evaluated. Find a sample of an inception report online that uses a consultancy inception report template, World Bank format or Ability Database format.

  4. An Inception Report summarizes the review of documentation (“desk review’’) undertaken by the evaluation team mandated by UNODC and specifies the evaluation methodology determining thereby the exact focus and scope of the exercise, including the evaluation questions, the sampling strategy, a critical analysis of the quality of provided documents...

  5. all evaluations require inception reports, but for complex and high-budget projects, it ensures that there is common understanding on the Terms of Reference (TOR) and that there is a clarity on scope and approach of the evaluation. The inception report is a means of ensuring mutual understanding of the consultant’s plan of action and

  6. This document, produced by UNESCO and the Internal Oversight Service Evaluation Section, provides guidelines for the creation of an inception report for UNESCO evaluations.

  7. Evaluation of Capacity Development activ ities of CGIAR – Inception Report Acknowledgements We thank Rachel Sauvinet Bedouin, head of IEA, and the thematic experts Ian Christoplos, John Lynam and Douglas Horton for reviewing and commenting on an earlier draft of this inception report.

  8. This document provides guidance on how to develop an evaluation Inception Report and its core contents, namely the evaluation purpose, focus, design and conduct.

  9. An Inception Report summarizes the review of documentation undertaken by an evaluator mandated by UNODC and specifies the evaluation methodology determining thereby the exact focus and scope of the exercise, including the evaluation questions.

  10. This document provides guidance on how to develop an evaluation Inception Report and its core contents, namely the evaluation purpose, focus, design and conduct.