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  1. A NEW ERA OF GLOBAL INTEGRATION It is now commonplace to hear the world today described as being increasingly integrated, interconnected, or interdependent. Whether the metric is the extent of cross-national trade in goods and services, the mobility of investment capital across borders, the flow of human

  2. Aug 25, 2006 · Unfortunately, the international economic integration achieved during the nineteenth century was largely unraveled in the twentieth by two world wars and the Great Depression. After World War II, the major powers undertook the difficult tasks of rebuilding both the physical infrastructure and the international trade and monetary systems.

  3. Jan 1, 2015 · This history of globalization covers mercantilism, the advent of free market thinking, protectionism measures of the mid-20th century, pre-globalization, and a full discussion on the progression...

  4. Apr 6, 2006 · The start of the final decade of the twentieth century coincided with another major shift, as the world adapted to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the emergence of formerly centrally planned economies into the global economy.

  5. Aug 30, 2019 · Section “The Second Wave: The Causes of Integration” surveys the literature on causes of integration, arguing that changes depended mostly on political decisions about barriers to trade, with a substantial contribution of technical progress in the nineteenth and twentieth century.

  6. integration. On the one hand, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries national domestic markets became gradually integrated. On the other, since the mid-nineteenth century there was an increasing integration of international markets coinciding with the globalization impulse in that period. This

  7. an integration of markets (for goods, services, technology, financial assets and even money) on the demand side, and, in part, an integration of production (horizontal and vertical) on the supply side. The world economy has experienced progressive international economic integration since 1950.

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