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  1. The number 40 is spelled forty despite the fact that four contains a u. Even though it is often misspelled fourty, the only widely accepted spelling of the number is forty.

  2. Jun 21, 2023 · Forty or fourty? The correct spelling of the number 40 is forty. In modern times, fourty is incorrect, although in the past this was likely the original spelling. Nowadays, forty is the accepted spelling and fourty is considered a mistake.

  3. Forty is the proper way to spell the number, and fourty is always incorrect. It’s easy to see why this would be confusing, since the base number is four, and the U isn’t dropped from other numbers like fourteen or even forty-four.

  4. Fourty” isn’t an alternative spelling. Sure, it might seem counterintuitive initially, but this spelling is the one you’ll find in dictionaries and the best grammar guides, making it the widely accepted and standardized form in English-speaking countries.

  5. Nov 5, 2021 · Although the spelling of forty is and has been fixed for centuries, the variant spelling fourty makes its way into articles and literature from time to time. However, this use of fourty does not make it correct. Forty is always the correct spelling.

  6. Nov 13, 2020 · A good number of people are not sure whether the number 40 is ‘fourty’ or ‘forty’. Well, for starters, only one is correct –the word forty. That said, let’s look at the origin and use of the two words to avoid further confusion.

  7. "Fourty" is a misspelling of the word. It is a common mistake, likely because the word is formed by combining the digits "four" and "ten," and it is easy to add an extra "t" when spelling it out.

  8. Forty vs. Fourty. With "forty", things are very clear. It is the one and only officially accepted form for the number 40 today, and is used with this sense in any context. "Fourty", on the other hand, is the one that might create problems and confusions.

  9. Nov 18, 2022 · Although “four” is the correct spelling of 4, “fourty” is not a real word and should be avoided. The same applies when forty is used as part of a larger number (e.g., “forty-four,” “one-hundred-forty”).

  10. Mar 28, 2024 · The difference between forty and fourty is simple: forty is correct, and fourty is a common misspelling. In English, the correct way to spell the number 40 is with the letters “forty.”

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