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  1. What is an Enneagram type 9 wing 1 (The Negotiator)? People with an enneagram type nine wing one personality tend to identify more with the type nine, but also share several traits with the one type. They are hardworking, creative, and friendly in their behavior. They are generally more idealistic and serious than other nines.

  2. The Enneagram type 9 wing 1: The Dreamer, is a subtype resulting from the encounter of the type 9 and 1, which means that to the natural easygoing and serene style of the 9s we add a little of the principled and idealist concerns of the 1s.

  3. Type 9w1 are also known as The Dreamers. They are very similar to other nines, but resemble a remarkable amount from their fellow Type 1s. Dreamers are hardworking and friendly, but they are also more steadfast and introverted with their thoughts and behaviors.

  4. Enneagram Type Nine in Brief. Enneagram Type Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace.

  5. In the example of Enneagram 9 wing 1, Nine is the dominant Enneagram type, and One is the dominant wing. The following article will look closely at Enneagram Type Nine Wing One, their personality, fear, desires, and more. Let’s begin.

  6. The Enneagram 9w1 is a subtype that combines the Peacemaker and Perfectionist tendencies, resulting in a personality type that is gentle, idealistic, and introspective. They value inner peace and emotional stability, while also prioritizing order and structure.

  7. May 26, 2023 · To put it briefly, the Enneagram 9w1 personality type is highly creative and driven to make things better. We hope this article helped you understand 9w1 better and how great they can be. The key takeaways to remember are the following: 9w1s have a strong desire to help others.

  8. The Enneagram Type Nine is known as “The Peacemaker” because they are defined by their desire to maintain inner and outer harmony. Gentle and agreeable, Nines are able to diffuse conflict and bring others together. They are easy to be around and are the glue in their relationships. Key Personality Traits of the 9. Calm, collected demeanor.

  9. The Enneagram Type 9 with a 1 wing (9w1) is a fascinating blend of traits from both Type 9 and Type 1. A 9w1 strives for peace and harmony like a typical Type 9, but they also carry the idealistic and morally-driven characteristics of a Type 1.

  10. Dec 20, 2023 · The Enneagram wings are the two numbers on either side of one type, and many people (but not all!) will display a unique combination of their dominant type with aspects of one of the wings more so than the other. In the case of Enneagram 9's, the two wing options are 9w8 and 9w1. 9w8.