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  1. May 9, 2015 · Beauty and the Beast. Beauty turns herself over to a Beast when her father steals a Rose. Story Reads: 278,887. This is a vintage fairy tale, and may contain violence. We would encourage parents to read beforehand if your child is sensitive to such themes. Once upon a time there was a rich merchant, who had three daughters.

  2. Beauty and the Beast is a Classic Fairy Tale Stories for Kids. A beautiful woman & a monstrous Beast fall in love.

  3. Dec 26, 2018 · Plot summary. Well, first, here’s a quick reminder or summary of the plot of ‘Beauty and the Beast’. A wealthy merchant has three daughters, the youngest of which is admired widely for her beauty, and comes to be known simply as ‘Beauty’. Her older sisters are far prouder than she is, and let it be known that they will only marry an earl or duke.

  4. Discover the enchanting tale of "Beauty and the Beast," where true beauty is found within. This timeless story teaches the importance of looking beyond appearances and valuing qualities such as kindness and love.

  5. Beauty and the Beast is one of those stories that is told and retold in different guises. The powerful myth of tenderness concealed within ugliness can be found in Jane Eyre, and King Kong. Read by Natasha. Duration 28 minutes. Proofread by Claire Deakin.

  6. Oct 14, 2015 · This is the Beauty and the Beast short story. In a faraway land, lived a merchant and his beautiful daughter named Beauty. One day, the merchant got lost in the woods and reached a castle. He went inside and seeing nobody inside, decided to spend the night there. More about Beauty and the Beast.

  7. Beauty and the Beast Story - Fairy Tales. There once was a rich man who had six children — three daughters and three sons. After a lifetime of good luck, the man suddenly fell upon hard times. His house burned down, and his ships sank at sea.