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  1. Karl Marx's theory of alienation describes the estrangement (German: Entfremdung) of people from aspects of their human nature (Gattungswesen, 'species-essence') as a consequence of the division of labour and living in a society of stratified social classes.

  2. Feb 13, 2024 · The term alienation was conceptualized by Karl Marx when he used alienation to describe the effects of capitalism on the working class. Before this, the meaning of alienation changed over the centuries.

  3. Mar 5, 2024 · The Four Types of Alienation. 1. Alienation of the worker from their product: The design and development of production rest not in the hands of a worker but within the decisions of the capitalists who own the means of production under a capitalist economic system.

  4. Jun 21, 2019 · Alienation is a theoretical concept developed by Karl Marx that describes the isolating, dehumanizing, and disenchanting effects of working within a capitalist system of production. Per Marx, its cause is the economic system itself.

  5. Aug 30, 2018 · For instance, the young Karl Marx (1818–1883) is often understood to have suggested that one of the systematic forms of alienation somehow explains all the other ones (Wood 2004: 4). The claim here is simply that these, and other, stronger claims are not required by the basic idea.

  6. According to Marx, here are four types of alienation of which Marx wrote as relating to the capitalist mode of production: the alienation of the worker from the products of his labour, the...

  7. Marx begins with the alienation of the results of man's labor, alienation of objects produced by man. The realization of labor is its objectification, and this objectification is for the laborer at the same time the loss of object, alienation. To the product of his labor the worker is related as to an alien object.

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