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  1. Apr 30, 2009 · Agony In The Garden. Jesus and the disciples traveled to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives outside of Jerusalem after their Passover meal. Jesus took Peter, James, and John further into the garden while telling them to wait.

  2. 1. Describe in your book what happened next. **How could you apply in today’s world Jesus’ saying “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword”? 4 Facing Suffering I remember the time I was wrongly accused with no one to help me. There are no easy answers to why bad things happen, and we must suffer.

  3. Dec 28, 2011 · This job posting outlines the responsibilities and requirements for a Food & Beverage Kitchen Utility position at a Bali hospitality company. The duties include maintaining cleanliness throughout kitchen areas, properly operating dishwashing machines, assisting other staff as needed, and completing various cleaning tasks like mopping, wiping down surfaces, and emptying garbage.

  4. Aug 5, 2014 · Meditation As you listen to the first part of the story, imagine being there yourself. Notice anything you can see/ hear/ touch/ smell. Agony in the Garden. To describe Jesus’ agony and arrest in the garden To explain how Jesus was tempted. Download Presentation.

  5. Download ppt "The Passion of the Christ: The Agony in the Garden." Similar presentations. Garden of Eden in Genesis We are now born with sin. Originally Adam and Eve walked with God but now we are alienated from Him. Christ’s sacrifice leads us back to the garden.

  6. Sep 22, 2012 · This document contains a meditation on Jesus taking leave of his mother Mary before beginning his agony in the garden. It describes their emotional exchange, with Jesus requesting Mary's permission and consent to fulfill God's will by suffering and dying for humanity.

  7. The Agony in the Garden. 3 1 And they went to a place which was called Gethsemane; and he said to his disciples, "Sit here, while I pray." Mark.14:32. 4 2. And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. Mark 14:33. 5 3.