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  1. Enneagram Type 7 in Brief. Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go.

  2. The Type Seven “Enthusiast,” is relentlessly curious and optimistic, eager to get the most out of life. Sevens do their best to avoid negativity and pain, focusing their energy on finding pleasure and excitement.

  3. Enneagram Type 7s are dynamic individuals who thrive in ever-evolving environments, continuously seeking new experiences and adventures. They embody enthusiasm and curiosity, always eager to explore new horizons and concepts.

  4. What is an Enneagram Type 7 (The Adventurer)? People with an Enneagram Type 7 personality tend to be enthusiastic, adventurous, and spontaneous in their behavior. They love seeking out new experiences.

  5. Discover all about Enneagram Type 7: "The Enthusiast". Learn about the Seven's key motivations, challenges and strengths and find out if you connect with it!

  6. Enneagram 7 - Enthusiastic Visionary Description. Enneagram Sevens have the motivational need to experience life to the fullest and avoid pain. Sevens value a sense of freedom and focus on optimism, being inspired and taking opportunities as they present themselves.

  7. Overview. In the Enneagram framework, Type 7s — also known as Enthusiasts or simply Sevens — are playful, energetic, and talkative spirits. Hook and colleagues (2021) describe Type 7s’ core desire as a need to avoid pain. At their worst, Type 7s’ frenetic energy leads to divided attention and an inability to persist on long-term goals.

  8. Core characteristics of Enneagram Type 7, according to Enneagram teacher and seminal author, Beatrice Chestnut from her book, the Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge Seeking pleasure in different forms as a distraction from the discomfort, darkness and downside of life.

  9. Learn more about the Enneagram Type 7, often called the Enthusiast or Epicure. Discover the Seven's characteristics, wings, triad, and where they go in stress and security.

  10. Jul 24, 2021 · Enneagram 7: The Enthusiast. Core Motivation of Type 7. Core Desire: to be satisfied/content. Core Fear: being deprived/being trapped in emotional pain. Wounding Message: “It’s not ok to depend on others for anything.” Core Longing (what they wish they believed to be true): “You will be taken care of.”