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  1. Pessar, MD, professor emerita of psychiatry, says the community immersion program is one way of teaching students that developing trust with their patients “requires some understanding of the social, economic, psychological and cultural issues” faced by patients.

  2. Aug 4, 2015 · Community immersion programs are designed to get prospective or existing college or university students acquainted with issues in their local communities or abroad. Students usually do some volunteer work on service projects that deal with environmental, social or economic issues the community faces.

  3. WHAT IS COMMUNITY IMMERSION? Community immersion is an essential strategy in community organizing work that entails understanding of the different community concerns, process, dynamics and lifestyle through exposure and engaging in different activities. It is different from the actual organizing work.

  4. Community immersion is a valuable educational experience that allows students to actively engage with the community and gain a deeper understanding of social issues and real-world challenges.

  5. Mar 11, 2019 · What It Is. Community immersion allows individuals who are not familiar with the people and communities where they will work immerse themselves in these settings. This gives them...

  6. What is Community Immersion? Community Immersion is one important requirement of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) prescribed to students, male or female alike, in private and public higher education institutions and technical-vocational schools.

  7. Oct 16, 2020 · Community immersion is an effective way of bringing concepts to life while nursing students are engaged with community members in the real world.

  8. Community immersion is a form of service learning that integrates students' interests with longer-term involvement in community development and social justice issues. It fulfills goals of developing students into engaged citizens by providing meaningful tasks and leadership opportunities.

  9. The Process of Community Immersion The community immersion process is a series of interrelated and interwined phases which commences with the Pre-Immersion followed by entering the Community, Community Integration, Community Needs Assessment, Program or Project Implementation, and Termination of the Project.

  10. Definition. Immersive learning is more than a single pedagogy or specific practice. It covers a wide range of approaches to teaching and learning, and isn’t specifically attached to a specific discipline, course of study, or eventual profession.