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  1. Mar 18, 2024 · donkey punch (plural donkey punches) A sucker punch, especially one delivered to the back of the neck, head, or the kidneys, of a sexual partner who is crouching on all fours; also used metaphorically.

  2. Mar 7, 2024 · Donkey punch is a term for a violent sexual act that involves punching a partner on the back of the head or neck. Learn why it is highly controversial, illegal, and potentially deadly, and how to avoid it and promote consent and respect.

  3. The donkey punch is an act during sexual intercourse. It is based upon the incorrect belief that if a man putting his penis in his partner's vagina or anus punches the back of their neck, the vagina and anus will become very tight, giving more pleasure to the man.

  4. Oct 3, 2007 · Donkey punch is a term for a sexual assault or a video game move. It can also refer to a sandwich, a myth, or a joke. See how people use it in different contexts and learn its origin and meaning.

  5. Sep 10, 2023 · The actor, who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for raping three women, used the violent sexual slang term 'donkey punch' as his DJ name in 2012. The term implies a hard punch to the back of the partner during intercourse, which one of the victims brought up in court as a sign of his abuse.

  6. › wiki › Sexual_slangSexual slang - Wikiquote

    May 13, 2022 · Donkey Punching, kids? You've heard people joke about it and other extreme and/or stupid sex acts. But while attempting your Hot Karls, Icy Mikes, or Louisville Pluggers is unlikely to result in injury, death, or incarceration, attempting a Donkey Punch can lead to any or all of these unpleasant outcomes.

  7. Masterson went by the name “DJ Donkey Punch” when he began performing as a hobby in the late 1990s, and eventually changed his name to “DJ Mom Jeans” as the gigs got more professional – but he’s...