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  1. Extrasensory perception (ESP), also known as a sixth sense, or cryptaesthesia, is a claimed paranormal ability pertaining to reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind.

  2. May 25, 2024 · Extrasensory perception (ESP), perception that occurs independently of the known sensory processes. Usually included in this category of phenomena are telepathy, or thought transference between persons; clairvoyance, or supernormal awareness of objects or events not necessarily known to others; and

  3. Aug 30, 2021 · Extrasensory perception (ESP) is an unproven paranormal phenomenon in which people allegedly receive information about, or exert control over, their environment in ways that don't use the...

  4. Sep 12, 2023 · Extra­sensory perception is a collective term for various hypothetical mental abilities that might be able to explain certain supernatural phenomenon. These purported abilities (along with other paranormal phenomena) are also referred to as psi.

  5. Apr 28, 2023 · What is extrasensory perception? The “extrasensory perception” definition describes your ability to receive and process information independent of your five senses. Because extrasensory literally means “outside the senses,” this phenomenon refers to your “sixth” sense.

  6. ESP is defined as an awareness of the world that occurs through some mechanism other than the known senses — mind reading, sensing when a far-off friend is in trouble, foreseeing the future, and other phenomena more commonly associated with illusion artists than with science.

  7. Mar 24, 2015 · We propose that this occurs across three stages: (a) perception of signals from an information carrier, based on psychophysical variability in a putative signal transducer; (b) cortical processing of the signals, mediated by a cortical hyper-associative mechanism; and (c) cognition, mediated by normal cognitive processes, leading to a response b...

  8. Apr 27, 2019 · Extrasensory perception has been a thought-provoking subject among psychologists and philosophers of science. The concept of extrasensory perception (ESP) or what we regard as the sixth sense is that a man can make contact or communicate with distant events and...

  9. Apr 22, 2018 · Extrasensory perception (ESP) refers to information that is perceived outside of the five senses. This includes phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and knowledge of...

  10. Extrasensory perception refers to the alleged processes of precognition, telepathy, and clairvoyance that take place via channels other than the sensory system that biologists and psychologists have been researching with scientific means.

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