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  1. 2 days ago · Search for: 'Augustin-Louis Cauchy' in Oxford Reference ». (1789–1857)One of the most important mathematicians of the early nineteenth century and a dominating figure in French mathematics. His work ranged over vast areas of mathematics, in almost 800 papers, but he is chiefly remembered as one of the founders of rigorous mathematical ...

  2. Cauchy was not a slacker in the field of algebra as well. He contributed to algebra by working on the inverse of a matrix, by formulating theorems on determinants formed by subdeterminants, and proved that if a polynomial assumes more than two values under permutations of its n variables, then it assumes at least p values, where p is the ...

  3. The French mathematician Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) provided the foundation for the modern period of rigor in analysis. He launched the theory of functions of a complex variable and was its authoritative pioneer developer. Augustin Louis Cauchy was born in Paris on Aug. 21, 1789, 38 days after the fall of the Bastille.

  4. For the full article, see Augustin-Louis Cauchy . Augustin-Louis, Baron Cauchy, (born Aug. 21, 1789, Paris, France—died May 23, 1857, Sceaux), French mathematician, pioneer of analysis and group theory. After a career as a military engineer in Napoleon’s navy, he wrote a treatise in 1813 that became the basis of the theory of complex variables.

  5. Augustin Louis Cauchy Párizsban született egy jómódú család első gyerekeként. Két öccse volt, Alexandre Laurent, aki jogi pályán vált ismertté, és Eugène François. Apja a király szolgálatában álló sikeres ügyvéd volt, ezért a francia forradalom kedvezőtlen változásokat hozott a család számára, 1793-ban pedig el kellett hagyniuk Párizst.

  6. A great difficulty facing a biographer of Cauchy is that of delineating the curious interplay between the man, his times, and his scientific endeavors. Professor Belhoste has succeeded admirably in meeting this challenge and has thus written a vivid biography that is both readable and informative.

  7. Augustin-Louis Cauchy was one of the greatest mathematicians during the nineteenth century. In fact, there are sixteen concepts and theorems named after him, more than any other mathematician. His life began in Paris, France on August 21, 1789, and ended at Sceaux, France on May 22, 1857. His father, Luois-Francois, and his mother, Marie ...

  1. Searches related to Augustin-Louis Cauchy

    biography of augustin louis cauchy