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  1. Isabel Allende | TED2007 • March 2007. Read transcript. Author and activist Isabel Allende discusses women, creativity, the definition of feminism -- and, of course

  2. May 23, 2018 · Isabel Allende. Born August 2, 1942. Lima, Peru. Writer of novels and memoirs "I knew exactly what was happening in my country, I lived through it, and the dead, the tortured, the widows and orphans, left an unforgettable impression on my memory."

  3. 伊莎贝尔·阿连德,女,1942年生于秘鲁,但她真正作为作家横空出世是在40年后的1982年,那一年,她出版了小说《幽灵之家》。《幽灵之家》的出版几乎可以说是轰动性的。当时由于加西亚·马尔克斯的获奖,拉美文学大爆炸的冲击波达到了顶峰,魔幻现实主义的光环耀眼得无以复加。阿连德作为这 ...

  4. el bosque de los pigmeos. el reino del dragon de oro. mi país inventado. la ciudad de las bestias. retrato en sepia. hija de la fortuna. afrodita. paula. el plan infinito.

  5. Dec 10, 2021 · So begins Isabel Allende’s latest memoir, “The Soul of a Woman,” a collection of essays that details her roots as a defender of women’s rights and her lifelong defiance of patriarchal ...

  6. Isabel Allende (born August 2, 1942) is a Chilean writer. Allende, whose works sometimes contain aspects of the genre magical realism, is known for novels such as The House of the Spirits ( La casa de los espíritus, 1982) and City of the Beasts ( La ciudad de las bestias, 2002), which have been commercially successful.

  7. Isabel Allende. Isabel Allende Llona (n. 2 august 1942, Lima, Peru) este o scriitoare chiliano - americană. Isabel Allende, care a scris în stilul realismului magic, este considerată a fi una dintre primele scriitoare de succes din America Latină. [17] După răsturnarea președintelui chilian Salvador Allende de la putere, de către ...

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