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  1. Robert Koch, (born Dec. 11, 1843, Clausthal, Hannover—died May 27, 1910, Baden-Baden, Ger.), German physician. As the first to isolate the anthrax bacillus, observe its life cycle, and develop a preventive inoculation for it, he was the first to prove a causal relationship between a bacillus and a disease. He perfected pure-culture techniques ...

  2. Jul 1, 2024 · Robert Koch - Tuberculosis, Cholera, Bacteriology: Koch concentrated his efforts on the study of tuberculosis, with the aim of isolating its cause. Although it was suspected that tuberculosis was caused by an infectious agent, the organism had not yet been isolated and identified. By modifying the method of staining, Koch discovered the tubercle bacillus and established its presence in the ...

  3. Aug 26, 2021 · Robert Koch, a founding father of microbiology, used hands-on experiments in the 1800s to find the bacteria behind three of history's deadliest diseases. Robert Koch peers into a microscope in his ...

  4. Robert Heinrich Herman Koch ( / ˈkɔːx /; [3] Jerman: [ˈkɔχ] ;11 Desember 1843 – 27 Mei 1910), dianggap sebagai pendiri modern bakteriologi, dikenal karena perannya dalam mengidentifikasi agen penyebab spesifik tuberkulosis, kolera, dan antraks dan memberikan dukungan eksperimental untuk konsep penyakit menular.

  5. Mar 17, 2015 · Robert Koch was born in 1843. Koch worked on anthrax and tuberculosis (TB) and he further developed the work of Louis Pasteur. Koch’s fame, alongside that of Alexander Fleming, Edward Jenner, Joseph Lister and Pasteur himself, is firmly cemented in medical history. Koch came from a poor mining family and it took him a lot …

  6. Robert Heinrich Hermann Koch; 1843 m. gruodžio 11 d. Klaustalyje-Celerfelde, Vokietija – 1910 m. gegužės 27 d. Baden Badene, Vokietija) – vokiečių fizikas ir mikrobiologas, bakteriologijos pradininkas. [1] Atrado juodligės, choleros, tuberkuliozės sukėlėjus. Už tuberkuliozės tyrimus 1905 m. įteikta Nobelio premija fiziologijos ...

  7. Feb 12, 2022 · The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is the government’s central scientific institution in the field of biomedicine. It is one of the most important bodies for the safeguarding of public health in Germany. Its tasks are:

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