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  1. Feb 5, 2021 · WITH the exception of Dr. Jose P. rizal, no leading Filipino nationalis­t has left an immense impact on the minds of his generation than Don Claro M. recto. Don Claro, as he was fondly called by his adoring followers, was born 121 years ago on February 8, 1890 in Tiaong, Quezon although his family moved to the neighborin­g town of Lipa, Batangas where he establishe­d his political base.

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    Join Facebook to connect with the official page of Claro M. Recto Senior High School in Manila and get the latest updates and news.

  3. The late Senator Claro M. Recto, president of the Constitutional Convention 1934 which drafted the 1935 charter, describes the Philippine political system this way: The late Senator Claro M. Recto “Our Constitution was frankly an imitation of the American charter.

  4. Feb 3, 2014 · Fifty-three years after his death on Oct. 2, 1960, Claro M. Recto continues to wield a lasting influence on the life of the nation. His uncompromising nationalism, his towering intellect and his brilliant statesmanship will surely be missed by Filipinos in search of a truly independent and sovereign Republic.

  5. You have just added the Article: "Staging the Nation: Claro M. Recto’s Domestic Dramas" to the cart!. Author: Eugenio Matibag Your cart now contains 0 items.

  6. introduction to John R. M. Taylor's The Philippine Insurrection against the United States. Hitherto Constantino has directed his attention principally to the colonial historiography of the American period in Philippine history. In his biography of Claro M. Recto, in his "Miseducation of the Filipino," and

  7. Mar 26, 2021 · A separate copy with Claro M. Recto’s handwritten dedication in English reads, “To my beloved wife.” The Most Significant Original Copy. A third copy, which is also the most significant in the set, contains the intellectual musings of Claro M. Recto about politics, governance, and political philosophies.

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