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  1. The 1935 Constitution of the Philippines, which served as the basis for the current constitution. The Philippine Legal System is a hybrid form based on the Spanish civil law and American common law system,: 304–305 with a system of Sharia law in place for some areas of law involving Muslims.: 10874

  2. The 1943 Constitution was drafted by a committee appointed by the Philippine Executive Commission, the body established by the Japanese to administer the Philippines in lieu of the Commonwealth of the Philippines which had established a government-in-exile.

  3. Aug 27, 2020 · Philippine higher education system that is equitable and producing locally responsive, innovative, and globally competitive graduates and lifelong learners. Mission To promote equitable access and ensure quality and relevance of higher education institutions and their programs.

  4. May 24, 2010 · Where applicable, the Philippine political and governmental system and the 1987 Philippine Constitution will be the primary focus and locus of topics and subject matters. Politics and Governance is a three-unit course in College in the Philippine education system.

  5. An introduction to the basic concepts and tenets of political science focusing on politics, governance and government. The course also tackles the 1897 Philippine Constitution-the fundamental law of the republic. The course is focused on providing the interpretations on the constitution specifically.

  6. • You may also want to look at a comprehensive historical discussion of Philippine social movements by reading pages 1-62 of Tadem and Morada’s (eds.) Philippine Politics and Governance: Challenges to Democratization and Development (Quezon City: University of the Philippines Diliman, 2006).

  7. References : p. 312. Fund 164 Rex Book Store Purchased 01/08/2016 75253 413.25 copy 1

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