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  1. Alexander Graham Bell (født 3. marts 1847 i Edinburgh, død 2. august 1922) var en skotsk-amerikansk opfinder. Han var søn af Alexander Melville Bell. Bell var oprindelig døvelærer og fysiolog, og det var under et forsøg med apparater til døveundervisningen, at han kom frem til idéen om telefonen.

  2. 1847. 3-Mar. Alexander Bell is born to Alexander Melville and Eliza Symonds Bell in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is the second of three sons; his siblings are Melville (b. 1845) and Edward (b. 1848). 1858. Bell adopts the name Graham out of admiration for Alexander Graham, a family friend, and becomes known as Alexander Graham Bell. 1862. October.

  3. Mar 3, 2017 · 1. He was an immigrant. Alexander Graham Bell, far left, pictured with his family, circa 1870. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. After attending school in Scotland and London ...

  4. Alexander Graham Bell (Edimburgo, Escocia, Reino Unido, 3 de marzo de 1847-Beinn Bhreagh, Isla del Cabo Bretón, Canadá, 2 de agosto de 1922) fue un científico, inventor, logopeda británico, nacionalizado estadounidense.Contribuyó al desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones.. Tras una serie de trámites (que se prolongarían después durante años en forma de reclamaciones judiciales), en 1876 ...

  5. Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. Bell might easily have been content with the success of his invention. His many laboratory notebooks demonstrate, however, that he was driven by a genuine and rare intellectual curiosity that kept him regularly searching, striving, and wanting always to learn and to create.

  6. May 22, 2019 · Once the telephone was created, engineers needed to be able to quantify the audio levels in telephone circuits and measure the transmission efficiency of telephone facilities. Bell Telephone Laboratories devised this sound measurement unit and named it “bel”—in honor of the organization’s founder, Alexander Graham Bell.

  7. Alexander Graham Bell (* 3. marec 1847, Edinburgh, Škótsko, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 2. august 1922, Baddeck, Nové Škótsko, Kanada) bol britsko- americký fyzik, vynálezca a fyziológ . V roku 1870 emigroval do Kanady a roku 1872 sa stal profesorom pre hlasovú fyziológiu v Bostone. [1] Zaoberal sa najmä premenou zvukového ...

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