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  1. In a film titled, JOSÉ RIZAL: Sa Landas ng Paglaya, a short film that is commissioned by the National Historical commission of the Philippines, they made this film as an introduction or refresher to us, millennials, about Rizal and his life and works. The film shows how Jose Rizal starts a revolution usmo poetry. Some of the histonans would sav that Filipinos can't or didn't read the 2 famous ...

  2. Mar 28, 2020 · A 35-minute documentary about Jose Rizal’s life and heroic deeds, Jose Rizal: Sa Landas ng Paglaya shows the national hero’s works including El Filibusterismo, which tackles how the revolution would fail if it’s just for “personal interest”. This documentary will also share how Rizal contributed so much in his countrymen by giving free medication.

  3. 422650934-Reaction-Paper-222-docx.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1) The document discusses Jose Rizal and the importance of studying his works, particularly Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Rizal fought for Filipino independence and liberation from abusive Spanish rule.

  4. Jose rizal sa landas ng paglaya by chiqs8kizara

  5. The documentary "JOSE RIZAL: Sa Landas ng Paglaya" provided new insights about Jose Rizal that challenged common perceptions. It revealed that Rizal was a reformist who wanted to improve Philippine society through non-violent change rather than revolution. While initially disappointed by Rizal's anti-revolutionary stance, the author came to ...

  6. Jun 22, 2023 · The films "JOSE RIZAL: Sa Landas ng Paglaya," produced by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines, and "Finding Rizal in a Time of Barriers," in collaboration with Congresswoman Loren Legarda and the Department of Foreign Affairs, serve as powerful tools to refresh the Filipino youth's understanding of ...

  7. Joyce Kezzle P. Linda BSED-2 Reflection Paper on Jose Rizal: Sa Landas ng Paglaya In a film titled, JOSE RIZAL: Sa Landas ng Paglaya, a short film that is commissioned by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines, they made this film as introduction or refresher to us, millennials, about Rizal and his life and works. In the film it shows how Jose Rizal start a revolution using a ...