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  1. Bernhard Riemann se narodil 17. září 1826 v malé vesničce Breselenz poblíž Dannenbergu v dnešním Německu. Bernhardův otec Friedrich Bernhard Riemann byl chudý luteránský pastor a veterán napoleonských válek. Již od raného dětství projevoval Riemann výjimečné matematické nadání (zejména měl skvělé počtářské ...

  2. The Riemann Hypothesis is the most notorious unsolved problem in all of mathematics. Ever since it was first proposed by Bernhard Riemann in 1859, the conjec...

  3. › Biographies › BernhardRiemannBernhard Riemann

    Bernhard Riemann. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (German pronunciation: [ˈʁiːman]; September 17, 1826 – July 20, 1866) was an influential German mathematician who made lasting contributions to analysis and differential geometry, some of them enabling the later development of general relativity. Biography.

  4. Bernhard Riemann. Bernhard Riemann was an inspiring nineteenth century German mathematician. He is recognized for his contribution to differential geometry, analysis and number theory. He contributed to real analysis in the form of Riemann integral that became popular in his Fourier series. In fact, he is remembered for pioneering the ...

  5. Sep 17, 2021 · Bernhard Riemann exhibited exceptional mathematical skills, such as calculation abilities, from an early age but suffered from timidity and a fear of speaking in public. In 1840 Bernhard entered directly into the third class at the Lyceum in Hannover, living with his grandmother but, in 1842, his grandmother died and Bernhard moved to the Johanneum Gymnasium in Lüneburg .

  6. Bernhard Riemann. Bernhard Riemann 1863. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (17 September 1826 near Hanover – 20 July 1866 Selasca, Italy) was a German mathematician. He had a short life and did not write down very much about his discoveries, but the things he discovered were all extremely important and had a revolutionary effect on mathematics.

  7. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann là một nhà toán học người Đức, người đã có nhiều đóng góp quan trọng vào ngành giải tích toán học và hình học vi phân, xây dựng nền tảng cho việc phát triển lý thuyết tương đối sau này.

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