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  1. David Kills Goliath. 32 “Don’t worry about this Philistine,” David told Saul. “I’ll go fight him!”. 33 “Don’t be ridiculous!”. Saul replied. “There’s no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win! You’re only a boy, and he’s been a man of war since his youth.”. 34 But David persisted. “I have been taking ...

  2. 45 David said to Goliath, “You are coming to fight against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I’m coming against you in the name of the Lord who rules over all. He is the God of the armies of Israel. He’s the one you have dared to fight against. 46 “This very day the Lord will hand you over to me.

  3. May 27, 2024 · Goliath, ( c. 11th century bc ), in the Bible (I Sam. xvii), the Philistine giant slain by David, who thereby achieved renown. The Philistines had come up to make war against Saul, and this warrior came forth day by day to challenge to single combat. Only David ventured to respond, and armed with a sling and pebbles he overcame Goliath.

  4. May 25, 2004 · There, David finds his brothers, and as he talks with them, Goliath steps forward to repeat his challenge for the 81 st time (see 1 Samuel 17:16). Goliath says what he always does, but this is the first time David has heard him. David listens to this giant’s challenge and his cursing of Israel and her God.

  5. Apr 24, 2024 · Updated Apr 24, 2024. The story of David and Goliath found in 1 Samuel 17, showcases young David, a shepherd with no armor, who faced the fearsome giant Goliath armed only with a sling and his unwavering trust in God. This story is more than ancient history—it's a reminder that no obstacle is too great when we are aligned with God's will.

  6. Aug 25, 2021 · Finally, Goliath is known as a “champion”—the common rendering of what is more literally “the man of the space between [two armies].”. He is a substitute, the “man of the space between” who battles on behalf of his people. He does what they cannot or should not do. And that’s also what David does: he stands between his people ...

  7. David also relays news of his brothers to Jesse their father. David Asks about Goliath's Defiance (17:25-30) Just about the time David arrives, Goliath appears between the battle lines for one of his twice-daily taunts. David is appalled when he hears Goliath's rants, and asks some of the soldiers to tell him what's going on.

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