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  1. Oct 14, 2021 · But some employees make it harder on themselves by trying to take a shortcut. No clearance, just final pay. It doesn’t work that way. If you want to get the final pay as soon as possible, just to the proper procedure and go thru clearance. That way, you comply with the law, you clear your accountabilities, and you leave the company with ...

  2. Case 1: Resignation letter states 30 days notice and resignation was duly accepted. If an employee suddenly stopped reporting for work without approved leave, management can proceed with sending two AWOL letters and return to work order in a period of 10 days, 3rd letter will be an abandonment of work and willful disobedience to a lawful order.

  3. Hold a formal meeting with an employee that looks at evidence to reach a decision. Explain what your employee has done wrong. Present the evidence to back-up your concerns. Allow your member of staff to say what’s happened from their perspective. If your employee attends and has a lot to say, you can adjourn the meeting 🏼 (have a break) to ...

  4. Nov 19, 2015 · Of course, it will not put a complete stop to employees going AWOL, but it will certainly help to curb those instances where your employees have a good reason for not showing up. 2. Try to Make Contact. It helps to have a set waiting time in a place before you contact a missing employee – if you start calling 15 minutes after a shift is due ...

  5. Therefore you must follow an AWOL Process. You must make contact with the employee to discuss their current absence. If you are unable to contact the employee, send AWOL letter 1, stating your concern for them and advising them to contact you by a certain date. If you receive no response to the first letter issue AWOL letter 2, referring them ...

  6. The answer is yes! In Jacobs / JDG Trading (Pty) Ltd [2004] 9 BALR 1045 (P) the employee was dismissed for being absent without leave for five working days. He submitted a medical certificate indicating that he was unfit for work due to lumbago for the first two days, a Thursday and a Friday. The employee then stayed away from work from Monday ...

  7. AWOL Letter - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document is a letter from the Acting Area Manager of CARD Inc. to Mr. Louie Agad informing him that he has been reported absent from work without approval from October 7th to the date of the letter. The letter states that according to company policy, this is considered an Absence ...

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