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  1. Bernhard Riemann was another mathematical giant hailing from northern Germany.Poor, shy, sickly and devoutly religious, the young Riemann constantly amazed his teachers and exhibited exceptional mathematical skills (such as fantastic mental calculation abilities) from an early age, but suffered from timidity and a fear of speaking in public.

  2. Bernhard Riemann, Stich von August Weger (1863). Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (* 17.September 1826 in Breselenz bei Dannenberg (Elbe); † 20. Juli 1866 in Selasca, Gemeinde Intra [heute zu Verbania] am Lago Maggiore) war ein deutscher Mathematiker, der trotz seines relativ kurzen Lebens auf vielen Gebieten der Analysis, Differentialgeometrie, mathematischen Physik und der analytischen ...

  3. Riemann, Bernhard (1826-1866) German mathematician who studied mathematics under Gauss and physics under Wilhelm Weber . Riemann did important work in geometry, complex analysis, and mathematical physics. He was also a friend of Dedekind, who was later Riemann's biographer. In his thesis, Riemann urged a global view of geometry as a study of ...

  4. David Hilbert. There can hardly be anybody more suited to name a center for geometry and physics after than the German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann. Within his short lifetime of 39 years he made seminal contributions to various fields in pure and applied mathematics and is regarded as one of the most exceptional scientists of ...

  5. Bernhard Riemann. Bernhard Riemann was an inspiring nineteenth century German mathematician. He is recognized for his contribution to differential geometry, analysis and number theory. He contributed to real analysis in the form of Riemann integral that became popular in his Fourier series. In fact, he is remembered for pioneering the ...

  6. Riemann knew that the non-trivial zeros of the zeta function were symmetrically distributed about the line s = 1/2 + it, and he knew that all of its non-trivial zeros must lie in the range 0 ≤ Re(s) ≤ 1. He checked that a few of the zeros lay on the critical line with real part 1/2 and suggested that they all do; this is the Riemann hypothesis.

  7. Bernhard Riemann se narodil 17. září 1826 v malé vesničce Breselenz poblíž Dannenbergu v dnešním Německu. Bernhardův otec Friedrich Bernhard Riemann byl chudý luteránský pastor a veterán napoleonských válek. Již od raného dětství projevoval Riemann výjimečné matematické nadání (zejména měl skvělé počtářské ...

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