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  1. May 2, 1999 · Farben's lawyers turned their sights abroad. They filed claims of $2 billion against UBS, the giant Swiss bank, arguing that in the Nazi era, Farben executives had fraudulently sold to a component ...

  2. IG Farben. IG Farbenindustrie AG (versión corta de Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, «grupo de empresas de la industria colorante», también llamado I.G. Farbenfabriken) fue un conglomerado alemán de compañías químicas. Fue fundado el 25 de diciembre de 1925 como una fusión de las compañías BASF, Bayer, Hoechst (incluyendo ...

  3. I.G. Farben trial, early release and reestablishment of Bayer (1945–1951) At the end of the war, the Lower Rhine is among the regions liberated by American troops. The British military government soon assumes complete control over the Lower Rhine sites. When the Allied Forces seize the I.G. in November 1945, it is dissolved, and its assets ...

  4. Aug 19, 2011 · The bell tolls 08/19/2011 August 19, 2011. The Nazi chemicals giant IG Farben used forced labor and made poison gas. After the Nuremberg trials, companies like BASF and Bayer were formed from the ...

  5. Aug 12, 2019 · IG Farben složení léku dále upravovali, neboť s výsledkem samozřejmě nebyli spokojeni. Přeživší účastníci testu šli do plynu. Takto se postupovalo i při zkoušení léků na tuberkulózu, antibakteriálních či hormonálních přípravků a dalších. IG Farben dodali injekce a prášky, které lékaři SS ochotně vyzkoušeli.

  6. Jan 27, 2005 · IG Farben Cartel was the most powerful German corporate cartel in the first half of the 20th century and the single largest profiteer from the Second World War. About Bayer´s Nazi-past “IG (Interessengemeinschaft) stands for “Association of Common Interests”: The IG Farben cartel included BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

  7. IG Farben (short for Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG), was a group of German chemical companies formed in 1925. Farben is German for "paints", "dyes", or "colors". Initially most of these companies produced dyes , but soon began to do more advanced chemistry .