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  1. “The Northern Lights” There are times when the night sky glows with bands of color. The bands may begin as cloud shapes and then spread into a great arc across the entire sky. They may fall in folds like a curtain drawn across the heavens. The lights usually grow brighter, then suddenly dim.

  2. Sep 19, 2022 · Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights are a unique phenomenon that occurs at the North Pole. The night sky becomes filled with colorful lights playing in the shapes of clouds, arcs, or curtains. The colors range from yellow, pink, green, violet, and blue to red.

  3. “The Northern Lights” There are times when the night sky glows with bands of color. The bands may begin as cloud shapes and then spread into a great arc across the entire sky.

  4. These lights are called the Aurora Borealis. Some people call them the Northern Lights. Scientists have been watching them for hundreds of years. They are not quite sure what causes them. In ancient times. Long Beach City College WRSC Page 2 of 2. people were afraid of the Lights. They imagined that they saw fiery dragons in the sky.

  5. Jun 15, 2017 · Welcome to the Writing & Reading Success Center (WRSC). We can help you write an essay or research paper. We can aid you in completing the SLA requirement for your English or Reading course. The WRSC offers tutoring and Supplemental Learning Assistance (SLA) both in-person and online.

  6. Long Beach City College WRSC SUMMARY _There are times when the night sky glow with bands of color, and these light are called the Aurora Borealis. Some people call them the Northern Lights. In ancient times people were afraid of the lights.

  7. sky. They may fall in folds like a curtain drawn across the heavens. The lights usually grow brighter, then suddenly dim. During this time the sky glows with pale yellow, pink, green, violet, blue, and red. These lights are called the Aurora Borealis. Some people call them the Northern Lights. Scientists have been watching them for hundreds of ...