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  1. Encyclicals. Christi Matri: (Mother of Christ) September 15, 1966. Ecclesiam Suam: (Paths of the Church) August 6, 1964. Humanae Vitae: (On the Regulation of Human Births) July 25, 1968. Mense Maio: (In the Month of May) April 30, 1965. Mysterium Fidei: (Mystery of Faith - On the Doctrine and Worship of the Eucharist) September 3, 1965.

  2. vatican city state. liturgical year. liturgical celebrations

  3. encyclical letter humanae vitae of the supreme pontiff paul vi to his venerable brothers the patriarchs, archbishops, bishops and other local ordinaries in peace and communion with the apostolic see, to the clergy and faithful of the whole catholic world, and to all men of good will, on the regulation of birth . honored brothers and dear sons,

  4. POPULORUM PROGRESSIO. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PAUL VI. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLES. MARCH 26, 1967. To the Bishops, Priests, Religious, and Faithful of the Whole Catholic World, and to All Men of Good Will. Honored Brothers and Dear Sons, Health and Apostolic Benediction.

  5. Mysterium Fidei is an encyclical letter of Pope Paul VI on the Eucharist, published in September 1965. Mysterium Fidei was issued just as the closing session of the Second Vatican Council was beginning.

  6. Pope Paul VI - 1968. To the Venerable Patriarchs, Archbishops, Bishops and other local Ordinaries in Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See, to Priests, the Faithful and all Men of Good Will. Venerable Brothers and Beloved Sons: 1.

  7. Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Paul VI. Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, the third day of September, the Feast of Pope St. Pius X, in the year 1965, the third year of our pontificate.