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  1. cultural imperialism, in anthropology, sociology, and ethics, the imposition by one usually politically or economically dominant community of various aspects of its own culture onto another nondominant community.

  2. Dec 20, 2023 · Cultural imperialism describes the imposition of one culture’s values, ideas, and cultural products onto another culture, often representing a continued form of imperialism. While cultural imperialism can occur between any two nations with a power imbalance, it is most manifest in the West’s relationship with the developing world.

  3. Cultural imperialism often uses wealth, media power and violence to implement the system of cultural hegemony that legitimizes imperialism. Cultural imperialism may take various forms, such as an attitude, a formal policy, or military action—insofar as each of these reinforces the empire's cultural hegemony.

  4. Central to many definitions of the term “cultural imperialism” is the idea of the culture of one powerful civilization, country, or institution having great unreciprocated influence on that of another, less powerful, entity to a degree that one may speak of a measure of cultural “domination.”

  5. Cultural imperialism is based on the assumption that one nation tries to force its culture, ideology, goods, and way of life on another country. In the United States, critics of cultural imperialism as an instrument of diplomacy study the extent to which American culture reached and influenced foreign shores under governmental and private auspices.

  6. The influences of an economically dominant culture on others, typically spread through trade, the mass media, and the internet. Often applied pejoratively to the global diffusion of American brands, popular culture, values, customs, and practices, allegedly at the expense of other cultures.

  7. the fact of the culture of a large and powerful country, organization, etc. having a great influence on another less powerful country, etc: The brand has become a symbol of globalization and, to some, one of the most vivid examples of cultural imperialism.

  8. Jan 1, 2015 · While imperialism refers to the establishment and maintenance of unequal relationships between countries or societies through conquest and political power, the term cultural imperialism is used to identify a form of ideological infiltration that enables some dominant states, organizations, or groups to impose their worldview, values ...

  9. Cultural imperialism is the effort by powerful states to force their culture and societal systems upon subjugated, or less powerful, people. These formal and informal efforts are often based on ethnocentrism and were exemplified by the social Darwinist movement of the late nineteenth century.

  10. Cultural imperialism appears whenever a nation imposes its culture on another country or region. In this case, “culture” is understood as the many cultural products from one nation: music (on records and CDs), movies (on video or DVD, in movie theaters, on television networks, over the Internet), art and literature, even fashion.