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  1. Nakano Broadway (中野ブロードウェイ) is a shopping complex in Tokyo famous for its many stores selling anime items and idol goods, inlcuding more than a dozen small Mandarake stores, which specialize in manga and anime-related collectibles.

  2. 1 2 3 4 … 15 Next. 東京都中野区にある中野ブロードウェイの公式ホームページです。. サブカルチャーの聖地として世界中から注目を集め、多くのお客様にお越し頂いています。. 館内は約300店舗のお店があり、マニアックなお店だけではなく雑貨や衣料、飲食 ...

  3. Nakano Broadway (中野ブロードウェイ) is a shopping mall in Nakano, Tokyo. Founded in 1966 as a luxury shopping complex, it has become a popular destination for goods aimed at otaku (hobbyists and enthusiasts, particularly those of anime and manga ).

  4. Nakano Broadway is easily accessible from Nakano Station, and you only have to walk through Nakano Sunmall, which itself is a pleasant little mall full of eateries and shops.

  5. Nakano Broadway is a shopping mall located at the exit of Nakano station, a few minutes from Shinjuku in the west of Tokyo. This covered gallery is renowned for sheltering shops dedicated to anime , manga and Japanese pop culture amateurs.

  6. Oct 29, 2020 · Nakano, or Nakano Broadway, in Tokyo is a temple for otaku, Japanese pop-culture superfans, where you will find manga, anime, figurines and robots. However there is much more to explore as well. Nakano Broadway is a large shopping emporium just north of Nakano Station in western Tokyo.

  7. Oct 18, 2023 · Nakano, just 5 minutes away by train from Shinjuku, is an area famous for its vibrant subcultures, unique cafes, bars and anime related shops. From shopping at the popular Nakano Broadway to barhopping on Rengazaka, here's what to do for fun in Nakano.

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