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  1. 2016 Horoscope Feng Shui Forecast for Sheep. Expect a mixed bag of luck in 2016, Sheep-born. A neutral life force and spirit essence could hold you back from making decisions and cause you to feel less confident about your life and yourself than is reasonable.

  2. Feb 3, 2016 · The experts agree that 2016, the year of the Fire Monkey, will bring lots of up and downs as well as surprises. This is mostly due to the how fire and metal interact with each other, where the year belongs to fire and the monkey to metal. The two elements don’t mesh well together, because fire has the ability to melt metal.

  3. Feng Shui for 2016 by Nancy C. Canestaro, D.Arch. Feng shui is a millennia-old Chinese practice of enhancing positive energies and diminishing negative energy flow in and around a home. In Western society we think of our homes as a collection of rooms and objects.

  4. Feb 15, 2016 · While seemingly complex, feng shui rituals for moving to a new house are actually easy to do, and a few basics can help you achieve the right balance for your new home. Move in at the Right Time. As most feng shui experts would agree, it is not just about how you move to a new home, but when.

  5. Feb 6, 2016 · Feng shui expert Marites Allen spoke about the 2016 forecast during her feng shui convention on January 3, while feng shui master Joseph Chau Kam Shing gave his 2016 feng shui...

  6. Updated daily, this e-zine has everything from book reviews, monthly tips by Lillian Too, I-Ching, Chinese Astrology, an Agony Aunt column, gossip, upcoming workshops, talks and events, useful links to other feng shui sites, an online bookstore ... and much more, all for free!

  7. Dec 2, 2015 · This much-anticipated annual Feng Shui Forecast is your complete, easy-to-implement guide to make your life in 2016 everything you would like it to be -- vibrant health, loving, secure relationships, recognition and success, growing wealth and prosperity.