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  1. › internacional › StudentsInternacional - UPM

    The Technical University of Madrid offers courses that cover all areas of architecture and engineering necessary for today’s society, in which more and more scientific and engineering responsibility is acquired.

  2. The Technical University of Madrid or sometimes called Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spanish: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM) is a public university, located in Madrid, Spain. It was founded in 1971 as the result of merging different Technical Schools of Engineering and Architecture, originating mainly in the 18th century.

  3. Explore rankings data for Technical University of Madrid. All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score.

  4. La energía solar podría reducir las emisiones anuales de la industria agroalimentaria hasta en 400 Kg de C02 eq/m2. Un equipo de investigadores de la UPM ha analizado la viabilidad del uso de sistemas solares térmicos de baja temperatura en la industria agroalimentaria y el impacto que podrían tener en la descarbonización y la reducción de emisiones.

  5. The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid continues improving its position in the latest edition of the QS World University Ranking. It is placed amongst the 25% of the best higher education institutions worldwide and the first Spanish technical university.

  6. Although the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid) is a young university, having been founded only in 1971, most of its Schools are over a hundred years old, dating back of the 18th and 19th centuries and existing independently until they were grouped together as the Politécnica.

  7. 马德里理工大学西班牙文Universidad Politécnica de Madrid简称UPM),坐落于西班牙王国马德里其历史可以追溯到17世纪而后于1971年重组合并是西班牙办学规模最大历史最悠久的专业性理工大学