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  1. Jun 16, 2019 · Published all the way back in 2014, it gives six simple reasons for this: ‘Female’ refers to a sex of any species, while ‘woman’ refers to human females; Reducing women to their reproductive abilities is dehumanising and excludes women who cannot reproduce, trans and gender non-conforming people;

  2. Oct 4, 2021 · Creating a welcoming environment in both life and work means becoming gender inclusive. Learn what gender inclusive means and what you need to learn.

  3. May 29, 2020 · Is it sexist to say you guys? Why do we have three terms of address for womenMiss, Ms., and Mrs.—and only Mr. for men? And what should you do when someone changes their pronouns? Language isn’t just talk. The ways people use language can reveal and enforce harmful stereotypes.

  4. Given the key role of language in shaping cultural and social attitudes, adopting gender-inclusive language is a powerful way to promote gender equality and fight gender bias.

  5. Aug 28, 2009 · I find usage rules of when to use woman or female to be incomplete without drawing in the other cultural and social nuances governing labels of gender roles, including maturity and class distinctions. The medical use of female as opposed to girl, lady, or woman is likely meant to be more inclusive and less culturally defined.

  6. Oct 9, 2022 · Key points. Languages can have natural gender, grammatical gender, or be "genderless." The masculine forms are usually considered the default or "gender-inclusive" forms. Research suggests that...

  7. “I want Mills to be a women’s college that is welcoming and inclusive,” says Glennon-Zukoff. “And I also believe it’s still okay to embrace language that acknowledges womanhood and a sense of sisterhood. There are reasons to have solidarity as women and to have women’s spaces.

  8. The Writing Center Campus Box #5135 0127 SASB North 450 Ridge Road Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (919) 962-7710

  9. gender-exclusive versus gender-inclusive language Gender-exclusive language consists of terms that categorize all people under masculine language or within the gender binary (i.e., man or woman), thereby failing to include everyone.

  10. As the global champion for women and girls, UN Women recognizes the importance of language in fighting gender bias and promotes the use of gender-inclusive language in all contexts and at all times.