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  1. In a vision which came to Ellen White December 25, 1865 at Rochester, New York, the Lord gave instruction which led to the founding of our first medical institution in Battle Creek. POSDAI 64.3

  2. From our first Sabbath schools in Buck's Bridge and Rochester, New York, to more than 37,000 Sabbath schools with nearly 4 million Sabbath school members. What is responsible for such growth? What has been the secret of the Seventh-day Adventist movement?

  3. The White Estate has been promoting the messages, mission, and inspired counsel of Ellen G. White. Visit our new 2021 Website containing tens of thousands of scanned and digitized correspondance, documents, letters, and photographs from the White Estate Archives.

  4. On December 25, 1865, in Rochester, New York, Ellen White received an additional major vision on health. This time she was shown that health reform had to become an essential part of the Seventh-day Adventist mission.

  5. In Rochester, New York. In April, 1852, we moved to Rochester, New York, under most discouraging circumstances. At every step we were obliged to advance by faith. We were still crippled by poverty, and compelled to exercise the most rigid economy and self-denial.

  6. Dec 30, 2020 · What memories there must have been of setting up the press that summer in a big rented house in Rochester, New Yorka home that was to serve as a family residence, boarding house, and printing office.

  7. Jan 29, 2020 · Among the reasons why Ellen White stood for the establishment of church organization were the conviction that there was a divine mandate for strict order, discipline, and organization in the church, and the desire to share responsibility for the burgeoning endeavors of the fledgling denomination for which she and her husband, James, had consiste...