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  1. Nov 3, 2023 · This article will explore 10 forage grasses and legumes in the Philippines, including their scientific names, local names, and origins. We shall also look at their descriptions, which can help you in the identification process .

  2. Mar 20, 2016 · Habitat: The Philippine wild raspberry grows mostly in the wild, along cliffs and overhangs, along with tall grasses and bushes. Edible Parts: Harvest ripe fruits and eat them raw, or process them into jam, juice or wine.

  3. Nov 21, 2016 · Here we list ten wild plants in the Philippines, which, because of their wacky properties and uses, are fun to play with. But unlike the tirador or the kasing, these plants are available for spontaneous fun.

  4. Here’s a list of the different kinds of grass in the Philippines, along with a short description and their purposes or functionsCarabao grass – The carabao grass is the perfect kind of grass for the Philippines’ tropical climate, since it thrives very well in heat and humidity.

  5. Project Noah is a tool that nature lovers can use to explore and document local wildlife and a common technology platform that research groups can use to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.

  6. Discover the wonders of Philippine's native and endemic plant species. Read More. Project Journal. Overview. -- observations. -- species. -- Identifiers. -- Observers. Stats.

  7. Foraging, the natural art of scavenging for local ingredients, is thriving in the culinary world. The cost of food in the Philippines increased by 5.7% in May of 2018, causing families to look for more options in fresh produce and dairy products.