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  1. Sep 1, 1995 · Boy Scout Oath or Promise. On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

  2. Do you know the Scout Oath and Scout Law taught by the Boy Scouts of America? Read them here!

  3. The Boy Scouts of the Philippines ( BSP) is the national scouting organization of the Philippines in the World Organization of the Scout Movement. The Scout movement was first introduced in the Philippines in 1910 during the American Occupation.

  4. Mentally Awake... Being mentally awake reflects mental alertness and mental health. It is not enough that a Scout is physically healthy; he must be mentally awake too.

  5. Learn the origin and significance of the Scout Oath, a promise to do your best, duty, and obey the Scout Law. Find out how to live by the Scout Oath and honor your character and reputation.

  6. The Boy Scout Oath is a solemn declaration to do one's duty to God, country, and the Scout Law, and to help others and keep oneself strong. It has three main clauses that cover one's relationship with God, country, and self.

  7. The Scout Promise (or Oath) is a spoken statement made by a child joining the Scout movement. Since the publication of Scouting for Boys in 1908, all Scouts and Girl Guides around the world have taken a Scout (or Guide) promise or oath to live up to ideals of the movement, and subscribed to a Scout Law.