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  1. Spontaneous prayers are short and effective vehicles for grace in daily life. They allow grace to come into our lives precisely at the moment we really need it with prayers that we can easily remember.

  2. Aug 24, 2017 · Our Judeo-Christian heritage provides us with a simple formula to follow that will guide you in organizing your thoughts into a cohesive, intelligent, and heart-felt spontaneous prayer. First, take a look at his prayer offered by King Solomon (2Chronicles 6:14-17).

  3. Jun 29, 2016 · Spontaneous prayer is when you’re with somebody and something happens or they tell you about something and you say, "Can we pray about that together right now?" Then, there is planned prayer. Planned prayer is when you have a weekly Bible study and you regularly pray with those women or with the people in that group.

  4. Spontaneous prayer invites God into the fullness of each day. Children enjoy considering how God cares about what books they read, what games they play outside, which jammies they wear to bed, and what they think about others in their heart. Spontaneous prayer helps us remember to include the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.

  5. Jan 3, 2010 · This is the way we pray when we are living on the gospel. This is the prayer-counterpart to faith in the gospel. When we are trusting God to love us and accept us and help us for Christ’s sake alone, the Holy Spirit is at work. He moves in and through that faith. How the Gospel Leads to Spontaneous Prayer

  6. Dec 29, 2002 · Being devoted to prayer will mean that what you say in your times of prayer will often be free and unstructured, and often be formed and structured. If you are only free in your prayers you will probably become shallow and trite.

  7. For many Catholics, the thought of being called upon to lead a spontaneous prayer can darn near bring on a panic attack! Never fear! Our Judeo-Christian heritage provides us with a simple formula to follow that will guide you in organizing your thoughts into a cohesive, intelligent, and heart-felt spontaneous prayer.

  8. FRAMEWORKS FOR SPONTANEOUS PRAYER. The PAPA Approach. PAPA is an acronym that provides a framework for spontaneous prayer. It can help keep you focused no matter where you are or what is going on in your life at the moment. Present yourself to God . I recognize who I am standing before. When we pray, who is it that we stand before?

  9. St. Paul tells us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17), and we aren’t always in a liturgical setting. Have you ever seen or experienced the deer-in-headlights look when someone asks someone in a group to pray publicly and spontaneously?

  10. An Outline for Spontaneous Prayer Begin with the Sign of the Cross. You Begin by naming God: o God of Compassion, o Loving Creator, o Heavenly Father, Who Name something that God has done in the past (perhaps from the Bible): o You brought your people out of oppression in Egypt. o You give us everything that is good. o You give us your Holy ...

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