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  1. On Bentham's criterion of propinquity, one is right to regard a distant pleasure as less valuable than an immediate one. On what grounds can the criterion be defended ? There is the point, made in another answer, that the more distant a pleasure is, the lower the probability of its occurring, since impeding factors are more likely to intervene.

  2. Homework Assignment: How does the propinquity factor function in the modified hedonistic calculus? Specifically how does an individual's propinquity indifference curve yield an approximate weighting for a general equation of hedonism?

  3. Purity (i.e. if any pain will be felt alongside that pleasure) Extent (i.e. how many people might be able to share in that pleasure) The Hedonic Calculus is therefore supposed to provide a decision-procedure for a utilitarian who is confused as to how to act in a morally tricky situation.

  4. propinquity - Bentham suggests that an action results in immediate pain is worse than an action whose pain is delayed. 5. fecundity - how likely is it that an action will have consequences which themselves will also have pleasurable consequences?

  5. When determining what action is right in a given situation, we should consider the pleasures and pains resulting from it, in respect of their intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity (the chance that a pleasure is followed by other ones, a pain by further pains), purity (the chance that pleasure is followed by pains and vice versa ...

  6. Sep 5, 2022 · An early proponent of consequentialist theories of morality, Bentham laid the foundations for the study of ethics as we know it today. In the following sections, we will look at what is known to be Jeremy Bentham’s largest contribution to ethical philosophy — the Hedonic Calculus.

  7. Utilitarianism (from Lat. utilis: useful) is a tendency within normative ethics which has developed, principally in the English-speaking world, into a complex instrument for the empirical-rational justification of norms.