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  1. Mar 8, 2024 · How we deal with unanswered prayer is not just for our own benefit but for the benefit of others as well. When we pray, we are engaging in the most precious and God-given act of communication with the One to whom we are accountable for all we do.

  2. Jun 16, 2016 · Where have my prayers gone, Lord? What have you done with them? “Ask me anything,” you say—“The desire of your heart!” All my desires have been crushed. All my groanings ignored. Those last two lines are a sore spot for people who experience unanswered prayer.

  3. Embracing Resilience and Maintaining Hope in the Face of Unanswered Prayer. Unanswered prayers can bring about a range of emotions, including frustration, disappointment, and even anger. It can be challenging to comprehend why a heartfelt plea has not been met with the desired outcome.

  4. Apr 6, 2018 · But this is not the way God wants us to respond to unanswered prayer. He wants us to seriously press into the question, “What’s the problem?” Because in the audacious promise above — “whatever [we] ask in prayer” — is an invitation to an intimate relationship with him.

  5. Oct 25, 2018 · But unanswered prayer often robs us at this very point. Hope deferred can abduct us from our Father’s house. It can persuade us that God is a stingy employer, our blessing’s warden, a puppeteer who marionettes us for sport.

  6. Trusting When Prayers Are Unanswered. We can also trust Him when our prayers are unanswered. Though we use the term “unanswered,” that’s not the best word. Perhaps we should say ungranted. After all, “No” is an answer, and so is “Not yet.” God answers every prayer from the lips of His sincere children.

  7. Sep 29, 2021 · The Bible clearly identifies five reasons for unanswered prayers. They include, (1) sin in your life; (2) not praying according to Gods will; (3) lack of faith, (4) praying with the wrong motives; and (5) marital strife. Below is an explanation of each one and what to do to help correct it.