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  1. Apr 30, 2013 · Emergency Relief. Meeting basic needs simply to keep people alive, the emergency relief phase begins in the immediate aftermath of a disastrous event. People need food, water, shelter, and...

  2. Jan 24, 2022 · Informed by the lessons learned from previous disasters, locally and globally, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRRMC) approved the Philippine Disaster...

  3. Jun 28, 2022 · Responding to Disasters and Helping to Recover FEMA assists in community recovery through a number of channels, including obligating monetary aid for both individual assistance and public assistance.

  4. In the British Government's Emergency Response and Recovery guidance, disaster response refers to decisions and actions taken in accordance with the strategic, tactical and operational objectives defined by emergency responders.

  5. In the aftermath of a disaster, and together with other UN agencies and international partners, UNESCO assists countries in their post-disaster response by assessing losses and damages, and helps them identify needs and priorities for recovery and reconstruction.

  6. Disaster Response and Recovery: Strategies and Tactics for Resilience provides a thorough overview of the challenges and functions of the emergency management profession, covering the various types of disasters, theoretical frameworks, the different individuals and agencies involved, technological tools, practical response measures, and more.

  7. RESEARCH ON DISASTER RESPONSE. Emergency response encompasses a range of measures aimed at protecting life and property and coping with the social disruption that disasters produce.